Module information




Principles of Teaching (Credit: 2 or 3 hours)

Average equivalent

ECTS 4 or 5


This course presents a Christian philosophy of education based on Luke 2:52: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” It shows the privilege and responsibility of the Christian teacher in working with Jesus, the Master Teacher, for the development of the whole person. The first unit deals primarily with the characteristics and needs of students at different ages and how Christian teachers can meet these needs. The second unit looks into the fundamental responsibilities of the teacher and how to fulfill them. The third unit presents a survey of modern educational methods, while the last unit presents the steps in preparing, presenting, and evaluating a lesson.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to: 1. See Jesus as the Master Teacher and follow in your teaching the basic principles that He used. 2. Recognize your responsibilities as a Christian teacher. 3. Understand your students better and direct your teaching to meet their needs. 4. See opportunities around you for a teaching ministry and do your part in fulfilling Christ’s command to the church, “Go…and teach” (Matthew 28:19 KJV). 5. Follow good procedures in planning, preparing, and teaching lessons in such a way as to help students grow in all areas of their personalities. 6. Identify and use good principles of communication and a variety of teaching methods and helps. 7. Lead your students to effective learning on various levels. 8. Use the environment of the home, the classroom, and the local and world communities as the framework for understanding students and their needs, for explaining and applying new truths, and for demonstrating the changed behavior that Christ wants to produce. 9. Evaluate the progress of your students, the effectiveness of your teaching, and yourself as a teacher all in view of Christian principles and definite goals.

Mode of Study

Lecture Video (in progress) Student interaction Professor of Record Interaction Hands on


100 objective multiple choice questions Online or pencil and paper Project Collateral Reading Assignment (for 3 (USA) credit courses Student Learning Requirement Passmark 70%

Grading Rubric



Bachelors in Education

MQF Level 6 Qualification

230 ECTS Credits

97-100 A+ 93-96 A
90-92 A-
87-89 B+ 83-86 B
80-82 B- 77-76 C+ 73-76 C
70-72 C- 67-69 D+ 63-66 D 60-62 C
0-59 F
BA Bible & Tgheology  Index BA Bible & Tgheology  Index BA Bible & Tgheology  Index