Module information




How to Speak in Public (Credit: 2 or 3 hours)

Average equivalent

ECTS 4 or 5


This course has been written to increase your skill in public speaking and your awareness of the importance of the ministry of speech in all areas of life in all human cultures. Its main emphasis from beginning to end is on the values of Christian ministry through speech. The course has twelve lessons under four units of study. These units deal successively with introductory comments on speaker and speech, resources available to the speaker, the speaker and the audience, and intercultural aspects of speech. Many study questions are interspersed throughout the course. Your answers to some of these questions should cause you to begin to practice valuable speech habits, which, if you continue them, will enrich your ministry through speech.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to: 1. Know yourself better and practice being yourself in a manner that helps your speech through improving your strengths and lessening your weaknesses. 2. Identify commonly known subjects and topics of speech and purposes for speech as resources of speakers. 3. Discover and develop ideas of your own, and then use them appropriately as a resource for your speeches. 4. Classify communication between a speaker and the audience as vocal and nonvocal, describe each of these two ways of communicating, and explain how each of them communicates. 5. Describe aspects of effective listening, types of effective discussion, and the relationship between this kind of listening and discussion. 6. Explain how the mechanics of modern media work together with the communicative arts of speakers to communicate interculturally. 7. Use what you have learned in the course to help you communicate better at all times through public speaking. 8. Speak forth more effectively the Christian message to individuals and groups when you have opportunity to witness to them for Christ.

Mode of Study

Lecture Video (in progress) Student interaction Professor of Record Interaction Hands on


100 objective multiple choice questions Online or pencil and paper Project Collateral Reading Assignment (for 3 (USA) credit courses Student Learning Requirement Passmark 70%

Grading Rubric



MQF Level 6 Qualification

230 ECTS Credits

97-100 A+ 93-96 A
90-92 A-
87-89 B+ 83-86 B
80-82 B- 77-76 C+ 73-76 C
70-72 C- 67-69 D+ 63-66 D 60-62 C
0-59 F
BA Bible & Tgheology  Index BA Bible & Tgheology  Index BA Bible & Tgheology  Index